A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is an address used to identify the location of a file or resource. The most common type of URL is one that points to a web page, and they typically begin with the protocol (e.g., http, https, or ftp) followed by the web address and, where essential, further information or a sub folder or resource.
The structure of a URL can be divided into five distinct parts, with each part having an important role in helping web browsers to locate the resource:
Protocol: The protocol indicates how a browser should start the communication with the server, most commonly either through http, https, or ftp.
Host: The host is the server and domain name of the website. This can be either an IP address or domain name such as example.com
Path: The path indicates the specific file or folder located on the server.
Parameters: Parameters are values that can be passed to the query string and can include things such as search terms, country, language, or any other value that is required to access the resource.
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Fragment: The fragment is an optional piece of information appended to the end of a URL that can be used to identify a piece of content or section on a web page.
A well-structured URL should be easily recognisable and readable by humans, allow for meaningful changes and updates, and serve as the basis for an effective search engine optimisation strategy.
It’s important to remember, when building out any URL, that all parts are case-sensitive. This means, for example, that www.example.com and www.Example.com are two different URLs, as the uppercase letter “E” indicates something different than the lowercase one.
One of the most straightforward ways to create a URL is to follow the pattern of the existing URL, such as www.example.com/page-name. Make sure that all URLs are consistent and easy to remember, with words broken up by dashes instead of underscores and unnecessary characters, such as “%” removed.
When creating a URL, it’s also important to ensure that all words are relevant to the content and are indicative of the main focus of the page. Including keywords or key phrases in the URL can help to improve its visibility. Keeping URLs to a minimum length also helps to keep them easy to remember, as long URLs can become jumbled and difficult to understand.
Dynamic URL parameters should be avoided where possible, as they can cause confusion and have a negative effect on SEO. If dynamic URLs cannot be avoided, then the parameters should be marked off with a “&” to help search engines distinguish between the important and irrelevant information.